I've been working on a new version 2.5 firmware for the Capacitor Discharge Welder and also a package that will contain the newest firmware, gerber files, Bill of materials, manuals and an extra 6 pages to explain how the circuit works and trouble shooting procedures etc. I've included Version 2.1 and version 2.5 in case a bug shows up. Version 2.5 has a change to the charging system, taking the stress off mosfet Q4, slowing the charge intervals and two points on the control board can be jumped with a wire to change the maximum voltage of this welder from 20 to 23.2V. This will increase the energy of the welder from 600Ws to 807Ws. You will need 25V capacitors to use this feature and Diode D10 has to be changed.
UPDATE: I'm busy doing some final tests on the firmware. I did not get a very big response about making everything available so I'm going to start by making the updated chips available
If you don't know how to program a processor, you can buy one of these programmers.
This one is $34.95
: K8076 serial programmer
This one is $69.95 : Cana USB programmer
It is as easy as starting the software supplied with the programmer, plug your microprocessor into the programmer, connect the programmer to your computer, load the Hex file and click on "write". It will only take a couple of seconds.